Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Further down the Poodle's Ass...

...Akin to the rabbit hole - only marginally less pleasant and mostly consisting of trying to find your way out :( - Curse you Rhinovirus, curse you!!!

Snot, crummy tissues and peanut butter toast - what a wonderful way to spend a Public Holiday - pah!! I could have been engaged in much more fruitful persuits, such as investigating Daan's tonsils (an insiders view) or... hmmm, possibly conducting experiments in tension-compression and weight ratios - always interesting to see what the maximum cuddle load would be before a) Asphyxia or b) Forceful stomach evacuation (oh charming Amanda - just charming).. but anyway. See. Much more fruitful, a genuine contribution to scientific study - or at least the study of hormones/ anatomy/ physiology etc - all deeply necessary to the furtherance of my medical edification... But NO - I am trapped here, behind my laptop - wrestling with a experiential case-study of virology, maybe with lashings of bacteriology - depending on exactly which bug it is currently holding fiesta in my nasal passages...

Oi, You - if you don't share the sodding Margarita's you are SO out of here...

Yes. Well. Cue Bubble Bath... possibly the only thing that's likely to do any good at all right now - except for a long suffering Boyfriend, a box of triple ply tissues and a bag (Family Fun Size, for preference) of Pink & White Marshmallows... Sense of humor restoratives - But then again, I'd probably only be spreading the plague - nasty little vector that I am right now... And poor Daan - way too sweet to do that to. So I get to sulk for the rest of the day. See.



And in case you missed the first two ... SULK.

Mandy is ::out:: - Cue random sub-routine, an endless loop of random garbage-ness. That is until I lever myself out of the bath and cease the torture of wallowing in my own misery (snot - an optional extra, but oh so FUN). Maybe then I'll be coherent enough to deliver another epistle in the gospel of My Life (capitalisation DEFINITELY required) - and we all know how fun, fun, fun that may proove to be...

Can dog's catch flu??

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