Thursday, December 24, 2009

Lions & Tigers & Bears...Oh My!!!

Alice is afraid of Wonderland...

Don't make demands on me, yeah - I get *antsy* - let me determine my activities, diversions , distractions and delusions...

This I understand, but - as a human being - oh yes, and a GIRL - I reserve the right to be - well, *slightly* hypocritical. And so I am. A hypocritical GIRL...

See the issue is thus - I really REALLY have fallen like a tonne of old and dirty bricks for the even more *antsy* Daan, and am a little put out that I've fallen in love with someone that has bigger personal space demands and issues than I have - I dislike disparity, especially when it comes to being more desirous of someones company than they are of yours.

Good grief.

Scary, and scarier - Monsters even I don't know how to handle. Guns & Bombs Baby, Guns & Bombs...

Really though, I promised myself this would NEVER happen to me again - not after the last one. No names mentioned *coughrowancough*. That hurt more than fishing hooks though the eyes, really - not okay. not. But obviously I wasn't listening, or maybe I was - but certianly not paying attention. Kid in the back drawing on the desk while the teacher's not looking. And chewing gum, and making pea-shooters - but certianly, in no way at all...paying any kind of attention. Stupid Girl.

So, he's away for the entire Christmas period (that is, the active days 24, 25, 26 & 27)...and I tell myself this is FINE - I'm good & that utter rot. But we all know I'm talking out of my ass. And I miss him. And I hate it. Gah, gaaaaaah, gaaaaaaahhhhh. Fukkit. And it's not just that, it's the fact that for all of two weeks he was where I am - I went back over the messages - and he missed me, at least as much as I miss him - and then... I think he gots the "yips", though GAWD knows why. And I thought I was the burned one, I guess some are just more obviously so than others...

Anyway - I realised that this was making minimal sense - so it's better that I abandon the attempt RIGHT NOW - before I embarrass myself any further (not that I imagine - at this juncture - that's even possible).

Suffice to say, I miss him, I feel like a prat, but at the very least... I am a prat - WITH A PLAN... Oh yeah, and it's a GOOD plan too (your supreme highness, has any other kind?). So...

Plots, World Domination and AFI - oh the super emo-ness of it all. Hide the razor blades and pass the coffee.

Pass the love and hold the hate.

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