Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I started with you because...

A welcome would be in order, surely - well it would be - for those of us with any breeding whatsoever... This felicity of manners and grace is a state to which I am lamentably undersubscribed, so - perhaps not.

Well, really - it's actually because I have a little "sumtin, sumtin" to say - at least I do today, maybe tomorrow I will be more approachable - this is, of course, dependent on whether or not I still feel like a poodles asshole tomorrow - or not. I leave this gracious fate to the peculiar and pertinent powers of Ibuprofen and the voodoo-medicine of warm milk... but I digress. (whispers) - Focus, Amanda, Focus.

So, this blog was started as a confessional of sorts, and in response to a blog created by my other (better) half - which I had the joy of perusing during my (self created - for shame!!) leisure time at work - I was impressed, quite significantly so - and in order to appear at least a tich as eruidte as my sweet - I now blog, more bloggy goodness for the interwebs - are we all crying with gratitude - hmm, well, are we...?

Again - lead astray by the need to explain myself - funny how often that happens - either I lead a very complicated life - or I complicate matters unnecessarily - both are equally likely, and so we'll go with both - if only to GET TO THE GAWDDAMN POINT already... Right, yes...

So, this (rather long-winded) opening post is to officially explain myself (yet again) to my love, my lover and the self confessed thief of my rather battered heart. See I've been "psycho girlfriend" over the last two days - and that is NOT like me, well, not really - no, really - lol... Yes, well, so I apparently went all "Norman Bates" on his ass on Monday night (blush), and I did it because - wait for it - not for any VALID reason - oooo, no - but because - I'm so insecure I'm even convinced my ass grows at night JUST to spite me, and the spiders in the bathroom are laughing at me etc etc...

Details, I hear you say, well naturally - I have the soap-box now, do YOU see me getting off any time soon - ha ha ha, erm, right .... Details - see I may be just a "tad" of a Facebook wh-re, with a really distressing tendancy to want more commentary than God when he rescued the Israelites - yep, *cough attentionwhore cough*... and when the poor man had not even had a chance to SIT DOWN after work, let alone even LOOK at my bleeding profile , I went killer-chihuahua on him and berated the living sh*t out of him for the "perceived" slight, lack of attention - for SHAME!!!

So anyway, the point (again) of this entire waffle (cream, no syrup) is to categorically deny being any kind of "psycho -girlfriend" from the vaunted heights of my interweb pulpit - and to vow - all the way to my lil slippered toes - to be a good girl from now on... and save the "Shining" re-runs for real drama - not the kind we create on FB daily...

Now did I, or didn't I have any part of my body crossed with that assertion - hmmm...

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