Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stupid Girl or : Dating the Reserved - Truly, Madly, Deeply

Coffee = Sanity... Especially after only 5 (or was that 4) hours of sleep - Sometimes, even with the "street cred" - I really HATE insomnia - merely because I'm not my usually *sunny* self (cough*lies*cough), on only 4 hours of sleep. It's truly ironic that my brain - which NEVER switches off, resides in my body - which CONSTANTLY wants to switch off... irony or just bad design, hmmm...?

So, peeves for the day : a) UNISA... b) UNISA... c) UNISA... and accelerated Degree programs, and LAZY ASSED MOFO's in the Registration Department, oh yes.. and we CAN'T forget - DECEMBER, the one month of the year in which it is ok to be as f-king lazy as you normally are with absolute impunity - 'cos "everyone" knows that "no-one" works during the HOLIDAYS - gah!!!!!!!! It's just a rumour that some of us are on a rather insane time frame - and that LOGIC would dictate that if you bloody well publicise that registrations are open from a certian date - that someone (heavens know SOME BLOODY ONE) is going to assume you really mean it - and get insanely frustrated when you process their registration for the new semester slower than a snail on sedatives - S.N.A.R.L (snarl, with teeth).


Bebe slept over last night, Mom is in the Hospital :((( - so his company was SO welcome, empty house + worried heart = seriously sleepless Mandy, so thanks Daan - again, you rock!! (harder than Blade bebe, much harder).

But therein lies the rub...a rather large...rub. Did I mention I was a STUPID girl, yep - pretty sure I did. I always fall for those who's emotions are in solitary confinement, or those with walls thicker than MINE - and believe me, that's saying something... Maybe I like the isolation, or the pain or the bashing of heads or the breaking of nails - always known I was a masochist, but seriously ?? Anyway - I see this as a test for me, I am :: PATIENT :: , I am :: SELF ASSURED ::, I am *not* :: EMOTIONALLY VULNERABLE::, I am ... so fucked... eeeep.

Not that there's anything to be done of course - too late, style of kidney-type thing... Already in love ,heart gone - given away, non-return policy... so... I wait, I waaaaiiiiitttt, lookit - me : waiting - lookit, lookit!!! And in the meantime, I try not to bleed on my books - they were expensive, and I probably need them... I still have to write Calculus, maybe bleeding hearts and Differential Equations are a match made in heaven - hey, I'm willing to believe that!!

(if only as an experiment in suggestibility)

Dog's don't get hoomin flu, and my Nescafe was bitter this morning

aka : stupid girl ;)

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